Our launch! Report on DOK Leipzig 2022

The DOK Leipzig Archive Market took place on 20th October.

GRAP used this opportunity to introduce itself as a newly created professional association.

In a half-hour presentation, the GRAP board explained the association’s plans and the advantages for producers (professional advice and project support), archives (cooperation on an equal footing) and members (networking and exchange). The launch was moderated by Elizabeth Klinck, herself a founder of the Visual Researchers’ Society of Canada.

The Association of German Researchers and Archive Producers was not only able to present the recently built website comprising all the information on the profession of archive producer and the useful “Find an Archive Producer” tool, but also to participate in one of the panels. Our colleagues Monika Preischl and Janne Gärtner presented their work on the GLADBECK project (Netflix, 2022).

After the panel, the German archive producers were able to discuss with the many representatives of renowned archives, some of whom had travelled from far away, discover their collections and catch up with their latest acquisitions. While trade fairs have a long tradition in other areas of the industry, the Archive Market is still relatively new and an important step towards professionalising research and networking among all archive partners. Meeting people you have known for years on the phone in one place and exchanging ideas – this development was long overdue and will certainly intensify in the coming years.

For those who were not able to attend, here is a video of the launch: